Help Wanted

Web Site

Content creation, blogging, visual design, news, backend work - there’s plenty to be done here. I’d like to make the site more useful to PN users, there are lots of things that would help people that I just don’t have the time to do. Some brief examples:

Tool integration guides, list of tools you might want to use, extension writing guide - lots of opportunities.


Become a part of a release team, help to take a build of PN and get it out there - some basic testing and willingness to help get PN builds released more regularly required.

Also looking for people to pipe up whenever they’re using a devel build that they think is of good enough quality to become stable - I want to release more often.


We now have a wiki that people can enter documentation into. I’m looking for:

  1. People to add documentation

  2. A willing volunteer to script up the code to extract the wiki contents and dump them out as a set of docbook files for the help generator tool. I’d prefer Python as that’s my favorite language and is also the language the wiki is written in but will take what I can get.


The development release of Programmer’s Notepad supports pre-defined scheme configurations allowing you, for example, to switch instantly to a dark background set of styles. If you have an unusual or well-thought-out set of styles configured then please save them out (see the Save button in the styles options pages) and send them along. Good ones may be included in future releases or made available for download from

Do you have a good set of text clips or perhaps the newer code templates? If so then please send them along and we’ll consider them for inclusion again either in the main download or as extras from

Lots to think about here, and there are plenty more things to do even if these aren’t up your street. Let me know if you’re interested in helping in any of these ways!